• At least half of the Board of Directors of the Muslim Legal Fund (MFLA) is comprised of individuals who are leaders in the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood organizations including the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the Islamic Association of North Texas (IANT) which operates the Dallas Central Mosque that has been known to be tied to Hamas support. Perhaps the most notable of the MFLA board members is Hatem Bazian, President of the American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) and also part of the U.S. Hamas support infrastructure
• The Muslim Legal Fund of America is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization, "committed to defend, protect and strengthen the civil and legal rights of American Islamic institutions and Muslim individuals in the United States of America." Yet, according to Investigative Project on Terrorism documentation, the MLFA backed the Holy Land Foundation as the latter became subject of the largest terrorism-financing prosecution in U.S. history.
• The MLFA has been involved in many controversial, high profile terror finance cases, some of which and have received international attention…… “On November 24, 2008, the jury convicted five former HLF officials—Mufid Abdulqader, Shukri Abu-Baker, Ghassan Elashi, Mohamed El-Mezain, and Abdelrahman Odeh—of conspiring to provide material support to terrorists.[6] The trial against the Holy Land Foundation was the largest terror-funding trial in U.S. history. “
• The five defendants, all leaders of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, based in Richardson, a Dallas suburb, were convicted on all 108 criminal counts against them, including support of terrorism, money laundering and tax fraud. The group was accused of funneling millions of dollars to the Palestinian militant group Hamas, an Islamist organization the government declared to be a terrorist group in 1995.
Abdullah al Mamun of the MLFA
Appeared at the Islamic Community Center of Lancaster in 2016
1. Quote – “I do my best to follow the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the blessed Prophet Muhammad (SAW) which is the Shariah. If you do not adhere to the Shariah and call yourself a Muslim, I guess you do not adhere to a peaceful way of life nor do you understand what Islam asks of you. You cannot be a Muslim and denounce the shariah! The shariah is the path of righteousness and virtue. Those who violate it and use it to cause harm and injustice, are doing it out of their own whim and ignorance; may Allah (SWT) protect us from them. Goal of the Sharia: bring benefit and prevent harm.”
2. He appeared at the Center in 2016
3. From Islamic Center of Lancaster’s Facebook page July 2016 - Abdullah al Mamun was born in Bangladesh, raised in New York City, and now lives in Dallas, TX with his wife and two young boys. He has a bachelor's degree in Middle Eastern Studies and Business Administration from Fordham University and a master's degree in Graphics Communications Management and Technology from New York University. Mamun started interning and eventually worked for News Corporation from ages 14 to 23 in the Marketing and Production sector.
For the next 8 years, Mamun worked in Broadcast and Advertising. He had the opportunity to work with Fox News, CNN, other major networks, and even Comedy Central's Daily Show. On the advertising side, he has worked with several top agencies like Ogilvy & Mather, BBDO, and DDB. From there, he started his own marketing firm and developed relationships with some of major Muslim national organization in America; ISNA, ICNA, MAS, CAIR, MLFA, Guidance Residential, Muslim Aid, Islamic Relief, Zakat Foundation, and others.
In 2013, Mamun joined the Muslim Legal Fund of America (MLFA) as Regional Director of New York. He did exceptionally well in promoting the organization's message to all corners of New York City. A year later, he was asked to join MLFA's national office in Dallas, TX as the Deputy Executive Director. Today, he visits Muslim communities throughout the country and delivers talks and conducts workshops to build and promote the noble mission of defending the rights of Muslims in America and upholding justice for all.
More than 25 states are proposing 50 laws that prohibit Sharia Law because it violates our constitution. CAIR, however, fights against any laws that infringe on Sharia LAW. Remember, Islam is a theocracy.
National Review statement on CAIR
Individuals accused of terrorism: At least seven board members or staff at CAIR have been arrested, denied entry to the U.S., or were indicted on or pled guilty to (or were convicted of) terrorist charges: Siraj Wahhaj, Bassem Khafagi, Randall (“Ismail”) Royer, Ghassan Elashi, Rabih Haddad, Muthanna Al-Hanooti, and Nabil Sadoun.”
It is in trouble with the law: Federal prosecutors in 2007 named CAIR (along with two other Islamic organizations) as “unindicted co-conspirators and/or joint venturers” in a criminal conspiracy to support Hamas financially. In 2008, the FBI ended contacts with CAIR because of concern about its continuing terrorist ties. Read more at:
Read more at:
Mission & Focus:
“WHY – We believe America’s greatness comes from the endless opportunities for all of her citizens and that this greatness is maintained through active civic participation. We believe that advocacy through the American Muslim experience is advocacy for a better America. We believe that American Muslim life can and must be better, more equitable and more engaging. We believe we cannot wait for others to address the most challenging issues American Muslims face. We believe we have the tools to change our reality. We believe the time is now.
HOW – Our vision is to be a leading advocate for justice and mutual understanding. Our mission is to enhance understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.
WHAT – These are our core areas of focus and how we fulfill our mission.
Civil Rights Advocacy – American Muslims must be treated fairly and equally in employment, education, travel, with law enforcement, government and in all facets of public life. Without fairness and justice, there is no true citizenship. CAIR-Pennsylvania responds to individual cases of discrimination and challenges policies of disparate impact and profiling.
Media Engagement – We must speak and be a part of the public discourse. Only by being at the table can we challenge stereotypes, dispel myths and promote positive self-representation. CAIR-Pennsylvania assists journalists covering Islam and Muslims, monitors local media, responds to numerous interview requests and drives stories and opinions that reflect a confident, assertive American Muslim perspective.
Education and Dialogue – CAIR-Pennsylvania helps enhance understanding of Islam through relentless outreach, presentations, courses and conversations with everyday Americans. Mutual understanding between Americans of all faiths is essential for healthier public sentiments towards Islam and Muslims. CAIR-Pennsylvania gives presentations at houses of worship, universities, libraries and other public venues on a consistent basis.
Coalition Building – Without allies and partners, none of our work could be accomplished. CAIR-Pennsylvania is part of an extensive network of interfaith, secular, government, legal and civil rights organizations and often serves as a nexus between the Muslim community and these entities. CAIR-Pennsylvania cosponsors conferences, dialogue forums, and government meetings and participates in campaigns undertaken by our partners.
Youth – A better American Muslim experience requires the promise of a better future. The youth are our future, and they must be equipped with confidence and empowered with knowledge. CAIR-Pennsylvania conducts a year-round Muslim Youth Leadership Program for Muslim high school students to proactively address these needs.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations Philadelphia Chapter (CAIR-Pennsylvania) is an independent, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization registered in Pennsylvania. It is part of a large association of interlinked CAIR chapters across the nation, together forming America’s largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy group.”
Senator Charles Schumer (Democrat, New York) describes it as an organization "which we know has ties to terrorism."[3] Senator Dick Durbin (Democrat, Illinois) observes that CAIR is "unusual in its extreme rhetoric and its associations with groups that are suspect."[4] Steven Pomerantz, the FBI's former chief of counterterrorism, notes that "CAIR, its leaders, and its activities effectively give aid to international terrorist groups."[5] The family of John P. O'Neill, Sr., the former FBI counterterrorism chief who perished at the World Trade Center, named CAIR in a lawsuit as having "been part of the criminal conspiracy of radical Islamic terrorism"[6] responsible for the September 11 atrocities. Counterterrorism expert Steven Emerson calls it "a radical fundamentalist front group for Hamas."[7]
The Nation of Islam
“The Nation of Islam was founded in the United States in 1930 by Wallace Fard Muhammad. Most recently, it is headed by Louis Farrakhan. This group is not a Muslim sect, but a political, social, and religious group. It’s religious beliefs focus on the Negroid race and add to the beliefs of the Koran. The Nation of Islam’s theological beliefs are rejected by mainstream Muslims, and it’s extremism and anti-Semitism rejected by others who are familiar with the organization.
By Tasnim News Agency, CC BY 4.0,
Fatwa Center of America
“Mufti Ikram ul Haq – President
In Islam a Mufti is a Muslim legal expert who is empowered to give rulings on religious matters, the result of many years of study. Mufti Ikram is the ONLY Mufti in New England.
Mufti Ikram ul Haq is the resident Imam of Masjid Al-Islam in North Smithfield RI, USA and Mufti of Darul-Ifta of Rhode Island. Mufti Ikram ul Haq memorized the entire Quran at the age of eleven in a short period of just 13 months. Thereafter, he went on to study Islamic Shariah at the Institute of Islamic Sciences Islamabad, Pakistan, where he spent 6 years learning in depth, the sciences of Islamic Shariah including Arabic Grammar (Sarf, Nahw etc.)Tafseer, Hadith, Fiqh, and History of Islam.
Fatwa Center of America is a not-for-profit organization aimed to cater the needs of global Muslim community in answering their questions pertaining to religious life and spirituality. The questions are primarily answered by Mufti Ikram Ul Haq president of Fatwa Center of America. All questions are answered in light of the sacred Shariah of Islam.”
1. Question on FCA web page:
“Assalaamu alaykum. I saw a bunch of people claiming that we should hate the disbelievers, but some other people said that the hatred should be directed towards disbelief, and not towards the disbelievers. Which is right? I can understand hating him if he hates Islam though. Does Allaah not tell us in verse 60:8 that He does not forbid us from treating the disbelievers who are against us with kindness? He also tells us in 29:46 to treat the Jews and Christians with the 'nicest of manners'. How could we hate someone but treat him nicely at the same time? Does hatred not make the heart black and hard? I also heard that verse 60:8 was abrogated; is that true? Thank you.”
Answer from FCA:
“All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. It is among the requirements of the faith of a believer that he should hate the people of Kufr (disbelief) in the same manner that he hates Kufr itself. This is what is stated in religious texts, and we have already mentioned some of them in fatwa 88293.”
2. Question on FCA web page:
“In respect to: Fatwa 88293
I find it impossible to invite someone to Islam with our behaviour as Muslims if we propogate the advice of this Fatawa. How are we to invite anyone we would not be friendly towards? Friendship is a means for opening the way...if the non-believers never know a Muslim, then how are we to say we have done our duty? The Prophet (SAW) was kind and friendly towards everyone and tolerant with his enemies continually calling them to faith.
I feel, we should guard our hearts and not take the company of non-believers in preference to believers, but that we should befriend the non-believer in hope that Allah will accept our Dawa and He will open their hearts to it. The behaviour of Muslims is the greatest Dawa, not liberation from opression, or any other means. Indonesia came to Islam purely through trade relations...the good behaviour of the Muslim traders was the best Dawa...The evidence? There are now more Muslims in Indonesia than anywhere else on the planet. It is through our behaviour as Muslims adhering to Islam that is the best Dawa. I beleive being an unfriendly person is not good Dawa.”
Answer from FCA:
All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. We ask Allaah to exalt his mention as well as that of his family and all his companions. We very much appreciate your comments about the Fatwa you read on our site. However, you should know that there is a difference between being tolerant, courteous and fair towards non-Muslims and taking them as friends. It is true that Indonesia came to Islam through trade relations, but this doesn't mean that we befriend non-Muslims. You can have business transactions with non-Muslims and show them the spirit of Islam. Friendship is a kind of brotherhood and entails affection, some duties and obligations that you should show only to Muslim brothers. Islam requires us to be tolerant, decent towards all people unless they abuse, wrong, or fight us. Allah Knows best. [Notice, “wrong,” like “mischief” in the Koran, is vague for a reason. It shows there are many reasons for violence other than abuse or fighting.]
Muslim schools
Franklin Graham warns us: Radical Islam is in Muslim schools in the United States.
Summary on Muslim organizations
I have discussed just a few Muslim organizations, but there are many. Infidel Muslims such as Sufi, Ahmadiyya, Reformers, and secular Muslims may join peaceful organizations, but even those may often have ties to radical groups. Groups in Muslim countries are almost always radical.